Township of Long Hill
Long Hill Uniform Police Patch
Police Department
264 Mercer Street, Stirling, NJ, 07980
Non-Emergency Phone 908-647-1800
Fax: 908-647-0355



The Long Hill Township Police Department Traffic/Service Section provides various School Safety Program to the students throughout the entire school district.  The Long Hill Police Department works with the Local Emergency Planning Committee and School Administration, through the Memorandum of Agreement between the schools and law enforcement to plan and train for any type of emergency at the schools.  We assist the schools in conducting their required drills for the school year. 

Each year, the children preparing to start kindergarten classes attend a Kindergarten Workshop. At the Workshop, the children receive instruction on bus safety procedures and a presentation is given to the parents to assist in answering any questions they may have.

School Bus Safety: Twice each school year, instruction is provided to the entire school district on the fundamentals of bus safety. The goal of school bus safety program is to provide instruction to the students on the basic school bus safety and rules and to prepare students to avoid possible dangers. The safety program is geared to each individual grade level and is presented in a way that ensures comprehension. The topics presented include, but are limited to the list below:

  • school bus policy,
  • all emergency exits and how to use then,
  • behavior during emergency situations.

In an effort to make the program more successful, the Police Department requests participation from the school administration, the parents, the students and the bus company to help promote safe transportation. Parents may be interested in supporting the National Coalition for School Bus Safety.