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Coming to play tennis @ Kantor Park?
To view the schedules when courts will be unavailable due to tennis
instruction, please click on the corresponding schedules below:
Please note: For rain-outs, they will be added onto the end of the
schedule for make up.
The lighting project at Kantor Park on the tennis courts and the Basketball Court
is now functioning. Currently, there is a post with a strobe light and push button
"ON" switch by the entrance to the tennis courts and the basketball
court. Daily, from sundown to 10pm, if you push the "On" push button, you
will have one hour of lights on either of the courts. Five minutes before the
lights will shut off, the amber strobe light on top of the pole where the push
button is will start flashing. To extend time, please push the button again. The
lights will automatically shut off at the end of one hour. AND, the lights will NOT
be operational beyond 10pm, so please watch your time. The park is typically open
sunrise to sundown, but with the lights on, those areas are extended to 10pm. At
10pm, the park is CLOSED to all activity.
Any concerns, please contact the Parks & Recreation Dept.
Click HERE for Court
To view the Pickleball Court
Reservations, click HERE
To Make Reservations, log into your
Community Pass Account, and click on Register for Programs, Pickleball Reservations.
To Cancel a Pickleball Reservation
made, click HERE for